2nd Annual Kid’s Fire Summer Camp Dates Announced

Time is quickly approaching for Vincennes Township Fire Departments 2nd annual Kid’s Fire Summer Camp. This years camp is June 27-28, 2018 at Wabash Trails from 8-4. The cost for the camp is $10 that covers camp and t-shirt.
The Vincennes Township Fire Summer Camp is an excellent opportunity that allows children to experience and understand what a Firefighter/EMT does on a regular basis. The program is targeted for children 10-12 years of age and the activities will be directed accordingly.
Campers will actually participate “hands-on” with equipment and have the opportunity to learn skills while performing in mock fire and rescue situations.
It is the mission of our instructors to inspire the participants and teach them team building and valuable lifesaving skills all while having fun.
If you are interested call Captain Tom Williams at 812-882-6399